Define Sitz Bath
For an abdominal sitz bath, fill the tub with enough water to cover your abdomen. For a hot sitz bath, the temperature should be about 110 degrees F.
Time Frame
For a cold sitz bath, fill the bath with ice-cold water and try to stay in it as long as you can, but for no longer than 30 seconds.
Health benefits can be obtained from alternating hot and cold baths. For this you will need two sitz baths, one filled with hot water and the other with ice water. Use the hot bath first, and stay in the water for three to four minutes before switching to the cold bath for 30 seconds. This can be repeated up to four times.
Hot sitz baths may relieve the discomfort of menstrual pain, haemorrhoids and urinary tract infection. Cold sitz baths may be helpful for treating candida and constipation. Alternating hot and cold sitz path may be useful for swollen ankles and foot infections.
Consult your doctor before using a sitz bath, especially if you have health conditions such as heart disease or high blood pressure.