Alternative Medicine for Acid Reflux
Aloe Vera and Licorice
The juice of the aloe vera plant may be helpful in treating inflammation that accompanies certain bowel conditions, as well as diarrhea and upset stomach.
Licorice has been used to reduce acid levels within the stomach, as well as to treat stomach and intestinal ulcers.
Sodium Bicarbonate and Glutamine
Sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda, works as an antacid and is effective in treating heartburn. Patients on low-sodium diets or who have high blood pressure should not use sodium bicarbonate as a treatment option.
Glutamine is found naturally in milk, chicken, beef, fish, eggs, leafy green vegetables and beets. It works as an anti-inflammatory and lowers inflammation along the intestine, and may also work as a cleansing agent.
Other Alternative Approaches
Other ways to bring about relief from acid reflux involve lowering stress or removing sources of anxiety. Therapies that focus on relaxation may be helpful. Also, acupuncture has been proven effective in one study of patients whose acid reflux was not responding to traditional medicine.
Perhaps one of the most effective remedies, however, is a preventative approach. If you are overweight, lose the pounds. Extra weight sits around your stomach and forces acid toward your esophagus. Wear loose-fitting clothes to help lower pressure around your stomach. Don't eat foods that seem to trigger symptoms. The most common include fried or fatty foods, chocolate, onions, caffeine, garlic and alcohol. Don't follow up a meal with a nap or sleep. You should wait at least two hours between a meal and lying down. When you do lie down, elevate your upper body by at least six inches. And finally, if you smoke, stop. Smoking impairs the function of the lower esophageal sphincter.