Uses of Carrot Seed Essential Oil
Carrot seed oil has an abundance of anti-oxidant properties that, most notably, help to fight against free radicals and oxidants, which damage healthy cells. This attribute helps skin to maintain its healthy youthful look and feel by warding off wrinkles, keeps hair from graying quickly and helps protect against cancer causing free radicals in your system.
After you clean your open wound or scrape, drip a few drops of carrot seed oil over the area to help reduce the presence of bacteria and to help reduce inflammation and swelling. This oil can also reduce inflammation in your digestive system and kidneys.
Part of the reason carrot seed oil helps to flush toxins from your system effectively is that the oil is a natural diuretic when taken internally, such as in a pill form, meaning it increases the production and flow of urine. Using a diuretic can be beneficial in reducing blood pressure, cleansing the kidneys and liver and removing toxins from the body.
Referred to as a tonic, carrot seed oil helps to regulate digestive secretions and support healthy digestive functions in the stomach, small and large intestines and the liver. You can either ingest the oil in pill a form, or add a drop or two to hot tea and drink it that way.
Carrot seed oil, just like carrots themselves, is also noted for helping to maintain healthy vision. Additionally, the oil can help moisturize dry, dehydrated skin and ward off wrinkles. Look for carrot seed oil as an ingredient in the moisturizers you choose and follow the instruction per the product as far as a regime goes.
Neutralizing extra bile produced by the liver, carrot seed oil acts as a detoxifier for the liver based ailments such as jaundice. This feature of the oil can also help to detoxify the blood, muscles and urine by helping to flush out a buildup of toxins in your body. According to, carrot seed oil also stimulates your metabolism, which helps to speed up the cleansing process when trying to detoxify. To use the oil as a detoxifier, take it internally either in a pill form or add a few drops in your hot tea.
Consult your physician before beginning any new medical routine, which includes the use of essential oils. Report any side effects to your doctor immediately. Do not use carrot seed essential oil if pregnant, may become pregnant or are nursing.