Ionic Footbath Benefits
In an ionic foot bath, you sit with your feet in a tub of water with a small amount of salt. This is charged with a low-level current that creates positive and negative ions in the water, which rebalances the bio-energy in the body. This allows the body to detoxify itself.
The water in the foot bath changes color, which is influenced in part by the toxins your body releases. The water will be different colors for different people. However, the water changes colors as a part of the process even if the foot bath is run without someone using it. So don't put too much stock into the color change as proof the foot bath is doing something. Instead, you can prove its efficacy by how you feel afterward.
Do not use an ionic foot bath more than twice a week because the body needs time to recover between sessions. A typical session lasts half an hour. It takes 20 minutes for the blood to fully circulate throughout the body, so your session should be at least that long to see benefits. In children, it doesn't take as long for the blood to circulate, and most benefit from a 15-minute session.
You will likely feel relaxed and tired after your session, so schedule it for a time when you're able to rest afterward.
There is no proof of ionic foot bath benefits, but to those who use them, scientific proof is unnecessary compared to the way they feel. According to proponents, ionic detox simply makes you feel better. You can expect to sleep better and have increased energy. You may see relief from allergies, and you may have fewer headaches. Ionic foot baths can lead to stress reduction and possible weight loss. Your immune system will be improved, so you get sick less often and recover more quickly when ill. You may see reduced swelling and inflammation of joints, and you may absorb nutrients from food better.
Since there is no proof an ionic foot bath works the way proponents claim, many scientists dismiss them as a scam. They point out that the color change is not related to toxins being released from the body, rather it is due to basic chemistry. They also make much of the fact that most ionic detox practitioners recommend changing other habits, such as diet and exercise, at the same time. This may explain patients' sense of well-being better than the foot bath.
Even those who dismiss ionic detox admit there is no harm in the procedure and that the session will is a pleasant, relaxing experience.
While an ionic foot bath is safe for most people, there are some who should avoid them. They are not to be used for children under the age of 4. Also people with pacemakers, type 1 diabetes, epilepsy or implanted organs should not use it. Anyone undergoing radiation or chemotherapy should not use an ionic foot bath. They're also not considered safe for women who are pregnant or might be pregnant. Do not use a foot bath if you have an open wound on your foot.