Sea Salt Detox
Sea salt is preferable to processed salt. To prepare the detox, add two teaspoons of sea salt to two quarts of warm water. Upon rising in the morning, drink the entire two quarts and wait about one hour for the concoction to cause the emptying of the bowels. This must be done on an empty stomach and the urgency of the elimination requires access to a bathroom, until the bowels have been completely emptied.
This cleanse expels built up toxins and chemicals from the body and as result leads to increased energy and better mood. The digestive tract will experience increased function. Many people suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome and other digestive ailments as a result of improper digestion. The cleanse detoxifies the body and balances electrolytes. The toxins and chemicals found in general diets often lead to the digestion system working inefficiently. By cleansing the system with the sea salt detox, the efficiency of the digestion system will increase. Other benefits may include improved respiratory and sinus function, stabilization of heart rate, relief of muscle pain, fresher breath, clearer skin and improved body odor.
Drinking the salt water concoction is often not pleasant, so lemon can be added to make the solution more palatable. Those with cancer, ulcers, and digestive issues should consult a physician before utilizing this cleanse. Those with chronic constipation should use a gentle herbal cleanse prior to the sea salt detox to avoid side effects such as headache. Some wellness centers recommend the use of activated charcoal after the elimination begins to soak up excess toxins.