Instructions for Colonics
What is a Colonic?
Know what you're dealing with in order to make the process less stressful. A colonic is the process of inserting a tube into the rectum to wash out the colon. Warm water is pumped into the tube, into the rectum, and into the colon. Purified water rushes into the colon, releasing any old feces that may be impacted or trapped. It liquifies most of it and sends it back out of the body through the tube, into a a closed tub. The procedure usually takes 45 minutes to an hour.
The patient is on his back on a table, usually under a sterile sheet. The therapist uses 15 to 35 gallons of water during the treatment. The water rushing into the colon may feel strange, or maybe even uncomfortable, but it shouldn't hurt. Sometimes the colonic therapist rubs the patient's stomach to help the colon cleanser infuse all of the areas it can reach so that any old fecal matter is released and suctioned out. After the procedure, the colonic therapist allows the patient to use the bathroom to empty as much of the feces as possible that the suctioning didn't get.
Preparing for a Colonic
Try to empty your bowels if you can before the colonic. This aids her in being able to get more fluid into the rectum and colon, and may produce better results. Also, because massaging the stomach over the colon is typical, it's best if you only drink and eat lightly before your cleansing. There are no other specific instructions before a colonic, except to relax and wait to feel better and lighter when it's over.
You can drink a little water before your appointment to help the bowel and loosen any impacted stools. Relax; maybe some soothing music will help before the appointment, or even during it. You can do some gentle stretching exercises for your stomach, and maybe even rub on your stomach beforehand to get the bowel ready to eliminate.
After the Procedure
Sit down for a few minutes before leaving. Sometimes, but rarely, the patient will feel weak, lightheaded or chilled after the procedure. This feeling is typically due to the process of detoxification. It should only last momentarily and is not dangerous.
In the days right after the colonic, it's recommended that you continue to eat light. This gives your colon a chance to get caught up and get as much built-up fecal matter out before you start producing more. Some people may prefer to eat simple foods--such as raw foods or broths and gelatin--for a while after their session, staying away from red meats, alcohol and heavy foods. Drinking plenty of fluids also helps with further eliminating because elimination can continue for a few days. Most people report feeling more energetic and lighter after their colonic.