What Is a Nettie Pot?
Neti pots are small pots that are used as a home remedy for cleaning the nasal passages. The Neti pot is filled with a homemade saline solution, then inserted into the user's nostril. The user then tilts his head, allowing the saline solution to run out of the other nostril. Using a water Neti pot, also called a Jala Neti, is said to relieve the symptoms of common nasal-related ailments, such as hay fever, allergies, colds and mild sinus infections.
Neti pots are small pots with a long spout near the bottom and a handle on the other side. Noti pots can be made out of a variety of materials, including ceramic, clay, plastic, glass or metals. Metal and plastic Neti pots are more popular than many of the other varieties, due to their durability and comfort in the nostril.
Neti pots originated in India, where they were used as one of the six purification rituals performed before practicing Yoga. Many types of Yoga incorporate the use of deep breathing exercises, which can be difficult to perform when the sinuses are congested. Neti pots were introduced in the United States in the 1970s and have become somewhat popular in recent years as part of the alternative medicine movement.
Saline Solution
Users can mix their own saline solution for use with Neti pots. An easy saline solution requires users to mix a heaping 1/4 Tsp. non-iodized salt, or a heaping 1/2 Tsp. of coarsely ground salt, with 8 oz. of warm water. Stir the solution until the salt is dissolved and then use in a Neti pot.
Alternatives to Neti Pots
Neti-type bulb syringes are also available for users looking to cleanse their nasal passages. Some styles of bulb syringes are equipped with a mechanism that allows the user to control the amount of pressure used to irrigate the nasal passages.