How to Make Homemade Burn Ointment
There is a growing trend toward using home remedies and other natural alternatives instead of over-the-counter and prescription medications. Minor burns and sunburns can often be treated with an alternative, as there is relatively little risk in using a homemade ointment that has mild ingredients. This ointment recipe features two ingredients that people have long used to treat the skin, marshmallow and comfrey root.Things You'll Need
- 2 tablespoons marshmallow root (not to be confused with confectionery marshmallows)
- 2 tablespoons comfrey root (available at health food stores)
- 1 cup olive oil
- 1 cup wine
- Small bowl
- Medium saucepan
Mix the marshmallow root and comfrey root together in a small bowl.
Mix the olive oil and wine in a saucepan and place on the stove over low heat.
Stir in the marshmallow and comfrey roots and let simmer for 30 minutes.
Allow the mix to cool; pour it through a strainer and your homemade burn ointment is complete.
Apply ointment to the burned area twice a day.