Healing Power of Honey
Honey is the byproduct created by bees. A bee extracts nectar from a plant and changes the structure with gland secretions and enzymes in its head. This change forms dextrose, sucrose and levulose in the nectar. The bee carries the transformed nectar to the hive and deposits it in the internal wax structure. The fluttering of hundreds of wings inside the hive causes ventilation and reduces the moisture content of the honey to make the thick, sticky substance.
Treatment with Honey
Apitherapy is the term used to describe treatment using honey. Honey treatments date back to approximately 2600 BC, when Egyptians noted 900 honey-based remedies. Using honey treatment today is not as popular as in ancient times; however, research on the benefits of honey and honey as an ingredient in medicines is becoming common. Honey is not recommended for children under the age of 1 year old as it is not pasteurized and can contain botulism spores.
Skin Treatments
For several centuries, honey has been listed as a wound and burn treatment. Its high levels of fructose and glucose cause wounds and burns to dry and prevent bacterial growth. Honey contains the enzyme glucose oxidase, which produces the mild antiseptic hydrogen peroxide when combined with water. Honey also has been shown to reduce scarring in burns and wounds.
Disease Treatments
Honey provides better blood sugar control than other sugars, which is helpful for diabetics. Glucose in honey converts to glycogen in the liver more efficiently, and is essential for brain functions and the release of hormones related to diabetes. The body seems to tolerate honey better than sucrose, which will assist with insulin sensitivity. In some cases, honey has been shown to lower C-reactive protein.
Viral and Bacterial Treatments
Penn State College of Medicine performed research in which honey was given to one group of children while a cough suppressant was given to another. The results found both honey and cough suppressant allowed the children to sleep all night, however, the children treated with honey improved slightly faster than the other group. Gargling with a honey and apple cider vinegar mixture or drinking tea with honey will lessen the symptoms of a sore throat.