Homemade Fat Burners
Diet and Lifestyle Changes
Before you can start burning fat, you must remove all of the potential obstacles in your way. Spend two months cutting bad habits and adding in good habits before you begin your fat burning quest. Make sure that you eat breakfast and try to make it your biggest meal of the day. This can ensure that your metabolism is moving throughout the entire day. Add aerobic exercise and strength training to routine and make an effort to do it after you eat so that your body can't possibly store your new calories as fat. Eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly to improve digestion and to make you feel more full. You can try listening to soft, classical music to help you eat more calmly. Remove high sources of saturated fat like whole milk and red meat from your diet. Eat five small meals a day instead of three larger ones. Make these changes slowly and ensure they are a part of your routine before you move onto fat burning.
Foods That Burn Fat
Try adding these fat burning foods to your diet. It is recommended that you try a few different foods each month and then compare your results from month to month. Kelp is a type of seaweed that can increase your fat burning by stimulating your thyroid gland to boost metabolism. It can be both taken as a food and an herbal supplement. Juices of fresh vegetables like carrot, broccoli and cabbage are full of vitamins and have been linked to fat burning properties. In fact, eating a more raw diet of uncooked vegetables and fruits may lead to an increase in the fat you burn as well. Foods that are rich in fiber can help you to feel full and improve your digestion of fat. Try adding in legumes or a fiber supplement. Try a variety of these fat-burning foods for three months and chart your results.
Herbs That Burn Fat
To burn fat safely, it is important that you have already been implementing these other positive habits for around five months before you begin adding in herbal remedies. It is possible that the food and habit changes may allow you to get to your ideal weight already. Do not use herbal remedies as a quick fix and make sure to add them into your diet slowly. Ephedra, though banned in many supplements in the United States, has often been used as a fat burner. Doses larger than the recommended amount of 25 milligrams every four hours have been found to cause heart and metabolic problems and you should not use the herb if you have blood pressure or heart problems. Catha edulis (chat) has been used to counteract obesity by stimulating the body and relieving symptoms of hunger. Commiphora mukkel (guggul) helps to burn fat by improving circulation and lowering bad cholesterol levels. Other herbs like Hoodia pilifera can be used to suppress appetite, which can help in your fight against fat. Try these herbs over the course of another few months to see how well it can help your need to burn fat.