Foods for a Healthy Liver & Intestine
The liver makes bile to digest and excrete fatty substances. In addition it stores sugars for energy and makes proteins for the body. According to the University of Illinois, the most common cause of liver damage is malnutrition. By limiting your amount of protein especially red meat, you take stress off your liver. Too much protein in a diet causes an excessive amount of ammonia in the blood stream, which is toxic. Try substituting fish, soy products and lean poultry for pork and red meat. Eating an excess of fats can cause a build-up in the liver. The American Liver Foundation says that no more than 10 percent of the weight of your liver should be fat. Obese people can get a condition called fatty liver, when elevated levels of fat causes inflammation. To prevent this condition, avoid fried and processed foods. Incorporate in your diet more fruits and vegetables. Use cooking sprays and extra virgin olive oil when you cook.
The intestines are made up of two parts, the small intestine and large intestine. Food enters the small intestine, and nutrients get absorbed before moving on to the large intestine, which absorbs water. Illnesses that occur and disrupt these functions include constipation, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome. A diet high in fiber is especially helpful for flushing out toxins, and water-soluble fiber aids in softening stools. Incorporate into your diet green leafy vegetables, legumes, oatmeal, apples, figs, prunes, cranberries, kale, sweet potatoes, barley, cabbage and carrots.
Healthy Liver and Intestines
For a healthy liver and intestines, avoid dairy foods. Dairy products stimulate secretions by the mucus membranes, which places stress on the liver and intestines. Milk, cheese, ice cream and cream actually suppress the entire immune system. Replace these foods with alternatives like soy milk, almond cheese and coconut ice cream.
Limit alcohol if you are eating for healthy liver and intestines. The liver breaks down alcohol. If you drink in excess, you can damage your liver and hurt the rest of your digestion tract. Also, avoid other difficult-to-digest foods like caffeine, sodium-rich foods and sugar.