Herbal Colon Tablet Therapy
Herbal Tablets
When it comes to detoxing the colon, there are many different treatments available. The most effective home treatment is a bentonite and psyllium shake. The mixture of the two rushes through the system, grabbing any deposits along the way, but can become a hassle, as you have to prepare the shake three to four times a day. There is, however, a newer and nearly as effective treatment available that only involves taking an herbal supplement. These herbal tablets can cleanse your colon without the hassle of blending shakes throughout the day.
Oxygen-Based Tablets
There are many companies that state they have the best herbal tablets available to relieve your body of its waste and help you lose weight that has been building up for years. Proponents of colon cleansing say this waste can wreak havoc on your entire body, causing sickness and infection. The best-known colon cleanse tablets are oxygen based. The oxygen breaks down the waste that has built up along the walls of your colon and essentially liquefies the waste so it can be passed much easier.
Laxative-Based Tablets
Other tablets use a laxative as their active ingredient. These are to be avoided, however, because they don't actually cleanse the colon. The laxative softens your stools, which is actually the worst thing for a colon cleanse, as the stools then cannot scrape the walls of the colon as they pass through. Using a laxative also can cause a dependency problem in which your body thinks it needs a laxative in order for you to pass waste regularly.