Home Remedy for Gas Pain
Several common foods cause gas pain, such as cabbage, beans and carbonated beverages. These foods either introduce air into the digestive system or produce gasses as a byproduct of digestion. Monitoring what you eat can help you determine which foods contribute to your gas pain. Cutting back on or eliminating these foods is one of the simplest home remedies for gas pain.
Swallowerd Air
Swallowed air is a common contributor to gas pain. Chewing gum, eating with your mouth open, drinking from a straw and regularly chewing on candy or other items are all ways people swallow air. Avoiding these items will help relieve gas pain.
Herbal Remedies
Chamomile aids digestion and can therefore decrease gas pain. Chamomile tea is effective for this purpose and can be found in most grocery stores. Mint and ginger are also common herbal digestive aids. When taken as a tea, they can relieve gas pain, gas bloating and upset stomach.
Cayenne Pepper
For gas and gas pain caused by excess intestinal bacteria, take cayenne pepper. In addition to acting against bacteria, it also increases stomach acid production, which helps digest food more efficiently. To use it, flavor your food with it or take cayenne pepper supplements.
Relaxation ad Exercise
Stress, tension and anxiety can all increase gas pain. Relaxation techniques may help ease associated pain, especially exercises like walking. Exercise also helps by stimulating the organs of the digestive system, helping move foods and gasses through the digestive tract.