Bach Flower Remedies for Arthritis
Pain Relief with Bach Flower Remedies
Dr Rupa A Shah, MBBS from Mumbai, India is trained in Western Medicine, and is a Reiki Healer. In an article published in issue 73 of the journal Positive Health Online, she explains the benefits of Bach Flower Remedies when used to treat arthritic conditions. Dr. Shah explains the painful conditions associated with arthritis including swollen inflamed joints, pain, joint stiffness, and how the condition can further lead to immobility. She also draws a direct link between one's emotional well-being and the onset of arthritis: "People who make a habit of neglecting their personal desires and sacrificing their life for others often end up with arthritis." Flower therapy, can be used to restore the body to normal and to diminish both emotional and physical pain.
Making Mother Tinctures
Flower therapy for arthritis involves the use of oral remedies for internal treatment and gels for topical treatment for pain. The treatments are not addictive, and the use of flower remedies can be ceased when visible improvements are noted. There are two methods for making Bach Flower remedy mother tinctures for oral consumption.
The first involves placing flower heads in a bowl of spring water where they are left to float. The bowl is then placed in sunlight for a period of three hours, the heads are later removed, and the remaining water is blended with brandy at a ratio of 1:1. The second method for making a mother tincture involves boiling flowering twigs in spring water for thirty minutes. After the blend has cooled, the twigs and flowers are strained from the mixture, and this blend is also mixed with brandy at a ratio of 1:1. The brandy acts as a preservative. This mixture can also be done without adding brandy.
Choosing Flowers for Bach Flower Remedies
In Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Arthritis: Reverse Underlying Causes of Arthritis with Clinically Proven Alternative Therapies, Ellen Kamhi and Eugene R. Zampierson assert that one's underlying emotions are responsible for the onset of arthritis, and it is such emotions that will determine the flowers needed for treatment. The authors further assert that four to six flowers can be used to create a mother tincture that can be applied topically or ingested to derive the remedy's benefits. If your underlying emotions have to do with impatience with others or yourself, you would make a tincture of Impatiens flowers. If your emotions have to do with a lost sense of control, you would use Cherry Plum flowers in your tincture. Rock Rose can be used to alleviate emotional conditions brought on by terror; Vines can be used to elevate your self esteem and to improve your sense of self-worth, and Aspen can be used to deal with fearful emotions. Further, Crab Apple blossoms are used for cleansing the body and mind, while Water Violet is used to improve your sense of self reliance. If you ingest the tincture orally, you can take ½ teaspoon of the mix four times a day until your symptoms and your emotional well-being improves.