Bach Flower Remedies for Spiritual Growth
How Flower Remedies Work
Flower remedies seek to clear negative emotions. Most especially, the remedies are used to treat those emotions that have become embedded deeply. Upon the clearing of these repressed emotions, relief can come at many levels, including physical, emotional and spiritual. The flower remedies subtly shift the body's energy field.
On the Spiritual Level
Although Bach flower remedies come from flowers and are highly diluted, they should neither be considered homeopathic nor herbal remedies. The method of preparation of Bach flower remedies is not the same as in homeopathy. Herbal remedies work more like medications, healing at the physical level. For a more spiritual healing, Bach flower remedies can be combined to work with the chakras, improving the balance of each chakra while strengthening the positive aspects of the body's energy field.
Bach Flower Remedies for Spiritual Growth
Beech is good for those seeking to see more beauty in the things around them. Cherry plum is for those wishing to overcome baser impulses. For those who seek to learn life's lessons more quickly, chestnut bud may help. Crab apple is for general cleansing, for those who feel there is something unclean about themselves. Elm is to fortify those who feel they are doing the work of their calling but at times suffer from feelings of inadequacy. Hornbeam aids those who do not feel strong enough for their purpose in life. For those striving to be "the good example" who are strict in their way of life, rock water is recommended. Vervain is for those who are too steadfast in their beliefs and resist all arguments. For constancy and protection against harmful outside influences, Walnut is taken. White Chestnut is used to help quell unwanted thoughts and ideas that persist in entering the mind. Wild oat helps those seeking direction and guidance in life when having high ambitions to do something important. The remedy wild rose is taken if one has surrendered to life and simply glides though it.