How to Gain Confidence in Yourself
Things You'll Need
- Journal
- Time Alone (at least an hour each day)
Start by setting aside at least an hour a day in a quiet place where you can journal. You can use a spiral bound notebook or an expensive, monogrammed journal. Whatever works for you.
Take an hour a day to sit quietly and journal. Ask specific questions including:
1. What do I want in my life?
2. Am I happy with my life the way it is now?
3. Why do I not feel confident in myself?
4. What can I do to gain more confidence in myself?
4. What can I do to change my confidence level?
5. What can I see myself doing in one year, five years, ten years? -
After journaling the answers to your questions reflect on your life. What have you done in the years you've been alive? Gone to college? Raised a family? Graduated from high school? Written a best selling play? Worked a minimum paying job? Lived to the fullest? Journal your reflections using statements like:
"I have (fill in the blank)"
How do you feel about your accomplishments? -
Find a support group. This could be your immediate family, friends, or a group of internet friends -- whatever works for you. Make sure to tell your support group that you are working on gaining more confidence in yourself and would appreciate their help, support, and encouragement.
Try doing one new thing a week. This may seem incredibly hard at first but it does get easier with time. Center your new activity around something you like to do. For example -- do you like to cook? Try having a small dinner or brunch for a few friends and show off your culinary skills. Always journal how you feel after each new activity. Did it make you tired? Was is enjoyable? Could you do it again in six months and feel more confident?
Try to vary your activities. If you like to cook host a small dinner one week, then a recipe exchanging party the next week. At first remember to keep things small and manageable -- this is meant to be enjoyable -- not more work for you to stress out over.
Over time you will see a change. Remember to journal and always take time to reflect over your progress. That's it! Remember that you are unique and wonderfully created -- enjoy being a confident, happy you!