How to Give a Basic Scalp Massage
Wash your hands well with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Dry well.
Ask the person receiving the massage to remove any hair clips or accessories. Direct the subject to lie down face up on a massage table.
Sit down in a chair or stool at the head end of the massage table. Take a long, deep breath to ground yourself.
Gently place hands behind the ears, one on each side with palms up under the back of the head. Begin moving fingertips in slow, circular motions very lightly. You should just barely touch the scalp. Moving your fingers through the hair, continue these strokes up toward the forehead, then back down to the nape of the neck.
Apply more pressure and ask for feedback. Adjust the pressure to the person's suggestions, then continue massaging in slow circular strokes, moving around the scalp for the duration of the massage.
Work your hands back to the nape of the neck. Hold your hands for a moment where the neck meets the scull.