Is Melatonin Dangerous?
Melatonin is produced and released in response to light. The eye sends information about the amount of light to the hypothalamus and it then signals the pineal gland to either increase or decrease production of melatonin. Once darkness is detected, the production of melatonin is stimulated and it tells the body to start feeling sleepy. In a typical balanced cycle, melatonin secretion begins around 9:00 pm, peaks during the night and falls until very little is present during the day.
When the melatonin cycle is disrupted, the sleep cycle suffers. Insufficient levels of melatonin may result in difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Because the body depends on external light to decide when to produce melatonin, the cycle can become out of sync when working a night shift or by traveling across time zones. That's when "jet lag" sets in. When this happens, a physician should first rule out other physical issues. If the hormone cycle is upset or the amount of melatonin is not sufficient at night, then melatonin supplements may help.
Supplemental melatonin has been available since 1993 and is generally considered to be safe. However, it is not regulated by the FDA and there are no manufacturing standards that must be met. This means that there is no way to be certain how much melatonin is actually in the supplement or whether any particular supplement is effective. Be sure to purchase supplements from a company with a solid reputation.
Side Effects
There are no known serious side effects but some melatonin users report having a headache or upset stomach. Anecdotal evidence and a report from the University of Maryland Medical Center indicate that some people experience nightmares or very vivid dreams and restless sleep. It would be very rare to have an allergic reaction, but if symptoms arose---including difficulty breathing, hives or swelling of the lips, tongue or throat---then immediate medical help is necessary.
This is one time when a synthetic product is preferable to a natural one. Synthetic melatonin does not have the risk of contamination that exists when the hormone supplement is developed from natural sources such as animal glands or other organic substances. The key in all things is balance and the same holds true for melatonin. Taking too much melatonin can result in worsening sleep problems rather improving. Also keep in mind that this is a natural biological cycle, so supplements must be properly timed to support the cycle.