Natural Thyroid Replacements

When a thyroid doesn't function properly, the hormones it normally manufactures and releases must be replaced. Until a synthetic form of the thyroid hormone was introduced, patients relied on a natural porcine (pig) hormone. While it is still available today, the natural form should only be used under the direction of a physician or health care provider.
  1. Thyroid Function

    • The thyroid gland, located in the front, lower portion of the neck, produces hormones that play a variety of roles in the body. When the thyroid becomes underactive (hypothyroidism), too little hormone is produced and the patient may experience symptoms ranging from lethargy and depression to weight gain and dry skin and hair. Other symptoms include muscle cramps and sensitivity to cold temperatures.

    Thyroid Replacement

    • Natural thyroid replacement, which comes from pigs and is sold under the trade name Armour Thyroid, is dried and powdered. While it contains T3 (L-triiodothyronine) and T4 (levothyroxine) hormones similar to those used in the synthetic form, the amounts of these hormones may be more difficult to regulate as hormone amounts vary from animal to animal. The synthetic forms tend to be more exact, which is important in achieving the effects of normal thyroid function.

    Diagnosing Hypothyroidism

    • Hypothyroidism is easily diagnosed with a physical examination and a blood test. The dosage of thyroid hormone prescribed to thyroid patients is highly sensitive and can change in as little as one year. Patients with thyroid conditions should have their thyroid hormone levels checked annually.
      A physician or health care provider can determine which form of thyroid replacement is best for you and, if a synthetic form is to be used, which brand. All brands contain the same thyroid hormones, but they may contain different inert components that can alter the drug's effectiveness.

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