Yeast Cleansing Diet
Certain lifestyles can reduce the effectiveness of a yeast cleansing treatment. If the person regularly smokes, has food allergies, has diabetes, has a frequent regimen of antibiotics, or is pregnant, the diet might be less effective. Anyone engaged in a yeast cleansing diet should stick with it for at least a month before assessing whether it is working. For many, signs that the candida diet is improving their lives do not appear until months after beginning the diet.
Basics of the Diet
Avoid sugar, which is believed to promote yeast growth. Lower your intake of carbohydrates until you see signs of improvement. Low-carbohydrate foods include chicken, shellfish, turkey, and non-starchy vegetables. Naturally, you should avoid foods with yeast, like mushrooms, cheese, bread, and beer.
Foods to Avoid and Limit
Steer clear of a number of foods. These include pastries, bagels, breads, and crackers that may have baking yeast in it. Avoid gluten-based foods such as wheat, barley, and rye, especially breads and pastas containing gluten products. Refined sugars promote the development of candida in the body's system, so honeys, white sugar, maple syrup, corn syrup, and molasses should be avoided. Read labels carefully and don't choose products that have sucrose, fructose, maltose, lactose, glucose, galactose, monosaccharides, and polysaccharides in it. Don't drink fruit juices and avoid canned or frozen fruits. Try not to eat anything with condiments or ask for them on the side. Most condiments contain vinegar, which encourages the growth of yeast. Don't eat mayonnaise, ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, BBQ sauce, soy sauce, horseradish, pickles, mustard, and chili sauce. Try to limit your intake of dairy products as much as possible, like milk, butter, and sour cream. Consult a local dietician, who can give you a complete list of foods to avoid, and also provide you with foods that your body will benefit from eating. Always consult a dietician or alternative medicine practitioner before beginning your own diet. A yeast cleansing diet depends on the individual, and the specifics of the diet will change according to your lifestyle and your health.