Uses of Piracetam
Use as a "Smart Drug"
Piracetam is available without a prescription in the United States and is sold as a dietary supplement that comes in 800mg capsules. What causes Piracetam to work as a "smart drug" that has become popular with college students is not yet clear, but it is known to influence vascular and neural functions and cognition without the effects of stimulation or sedation.
It has been theorized that the drug increases the excitability of the neurons resulting from its action on ion carriers and channels. An increase of oxygen consumption and blood flow in areas of the brain has been noticed after piracetam has been taken, but it is unclear whether this is from the drug itself or from the increased activity it causes.
Memory enhancement and the increase of flow of information between the left and right hemispheres of the brain are two of the perceived benefits of the drug. It is also believed that piracetam taken with chloine creates a synergy that further enhances the effects of the drug over its effects when taken alone.
Marketers are also aggressively promoting piracetam to seniors as a non-addictive supplement that can slow the brain's aging process by waking it up and keeping it active.
Other Uses
Piracetam has been used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, senile dementia, alcoholism, schizophrenia, closed craniocerebral trauma, dyspraxia and dysgraphia. It has been administered to stroke victims to help stimulate cognition, and has also been used by people suffering vasospastic, clotting and coagulation disorders.
Risks and Side Effects
Piracetam has low toxicity so it is not known to cause major side effects. It can, however, increase the potency of other drugs taken at the same time. Some minor side effects of the drug include headaches, nausea, insomnia, anxiety, excitability and gastrointestinal issues. People with renal impairments should be cautious about taking piracetam because the drug is excreted almost entirely through the kidneys.