Home Remedy Detox Bath
About Bathing For Detoxification
A bath for detoxification is usually as hot as possible and one should sit in it for only 20 to 30 minutes. Often, sweat is induced, and with that, excess toxins are released. Ginger baths will induce sweating.
Epsom salts baths have been used since Shakespearean times. The name comes from the town in England where a large deposit of these salts was found. Epsom salts contain magnesium sulfate; magnesium relaxes muscles and the sulfate aids in detoxification, according to the Epsom Salt Council.
Dead Sea salts can aid in detoxification and pain relief. People have come to bathe in the Dead Sea and taken advantage of its supposed healing properties for centuries. These baths are medicinal, so it is important to pay attention to how your body is feeling during and after the bath. Go slowly and start with a short bath. Increase the heat and amount of time with successive baths.
A bath for detoxification should not be done more than once a week. For added benefit, you may try dry brushing your skin before the bath.
Dry Brushing
Dry brushing with a vegetable brush, available at health food stores, is a method used to remove dead skin cells, stimulate circulation, support the lymphatic system, and possibly remove cellulite. Dry brushing before a detox bath enhances the effects of the detoxification process. If you choose to dry brush, be gentle, brush toward your heart, and avoid sensitive areas, including the face and any area with skin irritation. Skin brushing should take no more than five to 10 minutes to complete. You may brush your skin daily for best health effects.
Here is a basic recipe for a ginger and Epsom salts detox bath.
Add approximately three cups of grated ginger and half cup Epsom salts to a very hot bath. For added detoxifying benefit, you may choose to add five drops of frankincense and two drops of rose essential oil to the bath. Essential oils such as frankincense, rose, cypress, lemon, and black pepper are said to have detoxifying properties.
Bathe for 20 minutes in the hot water, then move to a quiet room where you can lie down, wrapped in towels, for at least one hour.
Your first bath should be short and you should be aware of any unwell feelings. Some people have a sensitivity to ginger and the skin might become very red. The heat of the bath plus the dehydrating effects of the salts can induce dizziness or headache. Lie down immediately after the bath to rest for at least an hour.