Information on Foot Detox Treatments
Reflexology is an alternative form of medicine which states that the feet contain a map to the rest of the body. Each area of the foot corresponds to an organ or other part of the body. By stimulating the feet through massage, you can heal your body. In this way, the reflexology practitioner could stimulate the kidney or liver, for example, and enhance detoxification.
Detox Foot Pads
These foot pads are loosely based on the principles of traditional Japanese medicine. The original pads contained nine-year-old bamboo vinegar which, according to traditional Japanese medicine, would stimulate the kidneys if placed on the proper area of the feet. Most foot pads do not contain active ingredients. John Stossel of "20/20" did a report on detox foot pads. He asked Kinoki and Avon, two maker of these pads, for their ingredient list, and they did not respond. Dr. Devra Davis on MSNBC also tested the pads and found them to contain plain vinegar and green tea.
Ionic Foot Baths
These foot baths are based on an idea that by introducing a low (1.5 volt) galvanic battery current into a foot bath, your body will release toxins through your feet. A metal array is placed in the bath, attached to a transformer by a plastic coated wire. Another wire is attached to your wrist. When your feet are placed in the bath, an electric circuit is completed. Proponents point out the dirty looking color the water turns when your feet are placed in the tub for 30 minutes. The water turns a dirty color because the metal array is rusting. The dirty looking water contains mostly iron oxide. The electric current can make you feel stimulated, but you will not release toxins through your feet.
Traditional Foot Baths
Traditional foot baths will not detoxify your entire body, but are a simple method to rejuvenate your feet. By soaking your feet in a warm bath with Epsom salts and a few essential oils, you will do a small part in caring for your body. Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate. The magnesium is beneficial in relaxing muscles. The sulfate is beneficial in detoxification (among other benefits). Essential oils, such as rose, frankincense or lemon, will aid in detoxification. A 15-minute foot bath will not detoxify your entire body, but will take care of your feet.
Your feet are an important and often neglected area of your body. But the idea that toxins will drain out of your feet which have accumulated in other areas of the body makes little sense. However, caring for your feet and helping them detoxify can be helpful. If you follow the theory of reflexology, stimulating the meridians in your feet can help to keep your body healthy and functioning well.