Natural Alcohol Detox at Home

If your drinking habits have grown to include binge and/or consistent drinking and you are interested in detoxifying your body, there is no more difficult path than the one traveled alone. Many people struggle to cope with their detoxification once the withdrawal symptoms arise. If you are committed to detoxing naturally and at home, you should consider enlisting an accountability partner who can check up on you and provide support. You should also educate yourself on exactly what you can expect as you go through detox and mentally prepare for its rigors.
  1. Plan of Attack

    • Share everything relating to your attempt at home detoxification with your accountability partner. Make sure you can depend on him to listen to you, run errands and put pressure on you to maintain course when withdrawal is at its worst. Decide how you will quit drinking; while cold turkey may be the most attractive approach for many people, it isn't for everyone, and the longer and heavier you have been drinking, the more difficult this method will be. If that's the case, devise a plan for curbing and eventually eliminating your drinking. A common approach is to cut one to two drinks off your daily intake each day. You can move at slower or faster paces, depending on how you handle your withdrawal. Even if you can't improve every day, never regress. Once you've reached a new low, don't go above it.

    Dietary Considerations

    • Reduce your sugar and caffeine intake. Studies in animals have shown that these can increase your appetite for alcohol. There are also several dietary and herbal supplements you can take that are known to help with alcohol detoxification and withdrawal, such as milk thistle, beta-carotene, kudzu, magnesium, primrose oil, glutamine and vitamins A, B3, B6, C, D, E, and especially B. You should also consider taking acorn, angelica or calanatts, which help reduce your craving for alcohol and can help with other withdrawal complications, such as cramping, nausea or vomiting. Take cayenne or celandine herbal supplements to help ease mood swings, temper and emotions while going through withdrawal.

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