Chinese Herb Detox
Who Should Detox?
A detox can be a great way to get rid of the toxins that you have likely built up in your body over the years. For example, air pollution, secondhand smoke, caffeine, alcohol, additives and preservatives in food can wreak havoc on the body. Almost anyone can do a detox, providing you are not pregnant, nursing or in a weakened condition. A detox is usually recommended for a period of at least three days, although many people strive for seven to fourteen days or more.
How to Detox
The detox process is different for everyone, so proper research should be done first. With a Chinese herb detox, you will want to try out one or two herbs to find the one that is right for you and your body. Start off slowly by reducing the amount of caffeine, soda pop and other harmful toxins you are putting into your body. When you are ready, start taking your Chinese herb supplements while eating a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lots of water. Some detox diets only permit water and juices with the supplements that you take. It all depends on the specific detox, so do your research carefully.
Chinese Detox Herbs
Long dan cao (Gentian longdancao): Although this is one of the more bitter Chinese herbs, it is also one of the more useful ones. Long dan cao will stimulate bile flow, helping to drain the liver of toxins.
Pu gong ying (Dandelion) (Taraxacum officinalis): Dandelion has been used by the Chinese for years as a detoxifying agent. Dandelion is a diuretic, and helps clear out the liver and stimulate the immune system.
Chai hu ( Bupleurum): This herb also is an old and popular Chinese herbal remedy. It helps sooth the liver, relieves congestion, and is used when a person comes to a plateau, or stagnation, within her body. Chai hu is also used for many to help with muscle soreness and to relieve spasms.