About Resistance Bands Arm Exercises
Lateral Rows
This exercise will focus on the shoulders and shoulder blades. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart with the band beneath your feet. Keep your knees bent slightly. Hold the band handles on in each hand with your palms down next to your thighs. Slowly bring your arms up at the same time as high as they will go comfortably.
Bicep Curls
These obviously will work your biceps. Stand on the band with your feet shoulder width apart with your knees slightly bent. Hold the band handles with your palms up. Slowly bring your hands up in a flexing motion of your bicep as high as you can comfortably.
Tricep Extension
Hold one end of the band over your head and let the other end go down your back. Grab the other end with your other hand. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Hold the bottom handle close to your hip and extend the top hand as high as you can comfortably. This exercise will work your triceps.
Chest Presses
Lie down and have the band underneath your shoulder blades. Then, grab one end with each hand. Hold your hands with palms away from your face. Then press your arms up as high as you can get them comfortably.
Sit on a sturdy chair. Hold the band handles in each hand. Put the cord behind you and your palms should face forward. Extend your arms as far as they will go. Pull your arms together in front of you trying to keep your arms as straight as possible.