Alternative Lymphedema Treatment
Herbal Treatments
Be sure to tell your doctor about any herbal treatments you are taking.
Bromelain is well known for its ability to reduce swelling and ease inflammation. Take 500 milligrams three times daily between meals. Butcher's broom makes the walls of the lymph vessels stronger and also alleviates swelling and inflammation. Take 100 milligrams once daily for at least three months. Ginger improves circulation and decreases inflammation. Drink one cup of tea three times daily by adding 1/3 of a teaspoon of ginger powder to one cup of water. Horse chestnut reduces swelling and strengthens the walls of the lymphatic vessels. Use the cream form as directed on the label. Also take 150 milligrams daily in tablet form. Grapeseed or pinebark extract inhibit blood vessel inflammation. Take 200 milligrams daily of one or the other; both are not necessary since they contain similar beneficial substances. Sweet clover ointment and tincture contain a substance called coumarin which stimulates lymph flow and quickens healing of skin wounds. A high quality brand is Le Thalasso Bain Leg Health Gel made by Goemar. Use the tincture as directed on the label.
Those with an allergy to pineapple can develop a rash from bromelain. Stop using it if itching develops. Horse chestnut should not be used by people trying to conceive. In rare cases, sweet clover can cause liver toxicity. If you develop yellowing of the skin or eyes or unexplained itching, be sure to consult a doctor.
Other Suggestions
Rutin is a substance found in fruits and vegetables that is good for maintaining the strength of blood and lymph vessels. Take 500 milligrams twice a day. An Austrian clinical trial headed by M.I. Korpan published in a 1996 edition of Vienna Medicine Weekly found that people taking a well known enzyme supplement called Wobenzym in conjunction with manual lymph drainage had significant reduction in swelling of the affected body part, less pain, and improved skin condition in less than two months. Take the supplement as directed on the label.