Polymyositis Alternatives
Polymyositis Causes
There's no specific cause for polymyositis, though some research suggests a person's genetics might make him more susceptible. One type of polymyositis called inclusion body myositis has been indirectly linked to a viral infection. Since the cause is not known, doctors haven't been able to find a cure.
Standard Treatment
Because there is no cure for polymyositis, doctors will treat the symptoms. The most common treatment is a corticosteroid drug taken orally or intravenously. Some of the drugs given include prednisone, methotrexate, azathioprine, cyclosporine A, cyclophosphamide and tacrolimus. Physical therapy may also be recommended to help maintain muscle strength. For those patients who want to avoid medications, there are some alternative treatments.
Alternative Treatments
Food allergies or food intolerances are believed by some to be contributing factors to polymyositis. A nutritionist can work with you to help identify foods that your body may react to and fashion a diet around them. In general, a diet that eliminates processed foods has helped patients. Add zinc, selenium and vitamins A, C and E to your diet as supplements. Other alternative treatments that has shown some benefit are homeopathy, acupuncture, hypnosis and Chinese herbs.