How to Stop Smoking With Bioresonance
Bioresonance is a treatment that has been used in Europe for 25 years to treat addiction, allergy and other afflictions. Bioresonance works on the principal that every living thing emits its own unique frequency including your body and the brand of cigarettes that you smoke. The technology works by "canceling" the frequency of the residual nicotine in your body that is responsible for your continued addiction. The theory is that when your body returns to its pre-nicotine frequency, your dependence on nicotine will disappear within 24 hours. It might sound like science fiction, but bioresonance clinics claim a 70 percent success rate with one one-hour treatment, and a 90 percent success rate with two to three.Instructions
How to Stop Smoking with Bioresonance
Make sure that you are eligible for treatment. You must be over the age of 18, not pregnant, breastfeeding or using a pacemaker.
Find a clinic in your area that has experience with using bioresonance to help patients stop smoking. Make your first appointment.
Two days before your scheduled appointment, drink two liters of water per day. Do not drink any alcohol or consume any products with caffeine (tea, chocolate, coffee, etc.).
On the day of your scheduled appointment, continue to abstain from alcohol and caffeine, drink two liters of water before your appointment and do not take any medication or painkillers (excluding those prescribed by your doctor). Bring your cigarette brand of choice to your appointment.
Know what to expect during treatment. The painless treatment lasts under an hour and involves sitting in a chair and holding an electrode in either hand.
For the next 24 hours after treatment, drink two to three liters of water. Take a vitamin C supplement and avoid exposure to cigarettes and cigarette smoke.
Be prepared to experience mild symptoms as your body begins to detoxify. These symptoms include fatigue, headache, mild stomach upset, a metallic taste in the mouth and sweaty palms. They should stop within three days and are actually a good sign that your body is detoxifying.
Make one to two more appointments if necessary.