Holistic Care for Thyroid Problems
It is estimated over nine million people suffer from hypothyroidism and the numbers continue to climb. In addition, women are ten times more likely to develop this condition than men. What is causing this upswing in thyroid disease and how can you combat it?
Eighty percent of the iodine in the body is located in the thyroid gland. Iodine is used by the thyroid to produce thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). The decrease of iodine in milk and the replacement of iodine in commercially produced bread (previously 150 mg per slice) by potassium bromate have contributed to iodine deficiency in Americans. In addition, an increasing overload of heavy metals in the body such as mercury (prevalent in dental fillings) and lead, environmental toxins such as pesticides, a diet heavy in goitrogens (naturally occurring in soy, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, rutabaga, cabbage and turnips), rapeseed (canola oil), chronic stress and selenium deficiency can all promote dysfunction of the thyroid gland.
Blood tests are not always an accurate indication of thyroid disease, and many suffer from the condition despite assurances from their doctors that all is normal. Detection is especially tricky for those over 60, because the disease often masquerades as dementia, heart disease or clinical depression. Fatigue, thinning hair, dry skin, depression, constipation, memory loss, lack of libido, low blood pressure, heavy menstrual flow, brittle fingernails, thinning of the outer portion of the eyebrows, migraines, fluid retention and frequent bruising are all indications of an underactive thyroid. Not all of these symptoms need be present for the condition to exist.
Natural Support
Support the thyroid with optimal nutrition by eating foods rich in iodine such as kelp, dulse, spinach, kale and turnip greens. Foods packed with omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, selenium and zinc are also an excellent support system for the thyroid.
Avoid gluten products such as wheat, barley, rye and replace with sprouted (no-flour) grain breads such as Ezekiel bread, Essene and Manna. Limit dairy other than organic eggs and avoid products containing MSG, soy, peanuts, unsaturated and polyunsaturated oils and fats (replace with olive oil, coconut oil and flax seed oil), white sugar, bok choy and mustard greens.
Heavy metals can interfere with the liver's ability to metabolize thyroid hormones and testing should be done if suspected. There are a number of heavy metal cleanses available on the market in addition to detox foot pads that target the elimination of heavy metals in the body.