Diet for Yeast Overgrowth

Yeast overgrowth can cause a wide range of health issues. Candida albicans is the most common of these microorganisms. While candida is present in around 80 percent of people, it is normally kept in check by a variety of healthy bacteria. If your system is out of balance, you may experience fatigue, headaches, mood swings, digestive upset and a variety of easily diagnosed yeast infections present in the mouth, vagina or even finger and toenails. Diet can improve these symptoms; however, the Candida diet is quite restricted and you should consult your physician before making diet change.
  1. What Not to Eat

    • If you are trying to reduce yeast in your system, you should begin by avoiding foods that can contribute to yeast problems. Most of us realize that sugar feeds yeast. Refined sugar should be cut out, as well as the natural sugars in fruits. You should also avoid foods with wheat gluten, any fermented foods and foods that contain natural molds, like mushrooms. Alcohol, aged cheeses, sweet and starchy vegetables, nuts, vinegar and many condiments should also be skipped while treating yeast overgrowth. Spicy foods can be hard to digest and are also contraindicated when on a diet for yeast overgrowth.

    Allowed Foods

    • While on the Candida diet, you will eat whole grains, protein and plenty of non-starchy vegetables. You can also have unsweetened yogurt with active cultures. Butter and olive oil are acceptable, as are salt and mild herbs. Bragg's Liquid Aminos may be used to add flavor to food, as can lemon and lime juice. For breakfast, opt for eggs and lean meat. Snack on yogurt and have a large salad dressed with oil and lemon for lunch. A protein, brown rice or quinoa, and plenty of vegetables can make up your dinner.

    Supplements and Treatments

    • A variety of anti-yeast herbs and products are suggested when you are treating yeast overgrowth. These include grapefruit seed extract, black walnut tincture, goldenseal and garlic. Your health care provider may also prescribe antifungal medications, like Diflucan, to help treat the yeast problems. Probiotics are widely supported for the treatment of yeast and can help restore balance to your system. You will find many probiotic supplements on the market, some added to yogurt products.

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