Gluten Diet & Autism

There have been numerous reports by parents of autistic children that gluten-free, casein-free diets (GFCF) improve autism-related symptoms in children. A GFCF diet requires the elimination of all wheat and dairy products from the diet.
  1. Theories/Speculation

    • Suffers of autism reportedly have abnormal levels of peptides in their urine and cerebrospinal fluid. One researcher hypothesised that the proteins found in gluten and dairy products were absorbed differently by people with autism, and as a result, acted like false opiatelike chemicals in the sufferer's brain. Therefore, removal of these proteins from the diet would decrease the symptoms associated with autism.


    • The benefits of a GFCF diet are said to be improved behavioral, cognitive and social function. The diet is also reported to help regulate sleep, bowel movements and habitual behavior.

    Expert Insight

    • Speculation is widespread among scientists and physicians who study autistic behavior, due to a lack of credible medical trials which specifically study the effect of a GFCF diet on autistic behaviors. However, one study performed in 2001 reported a significant improvement in behavior, linguistic and communication ability, cognitive function and motor skills.


    • Always consult a dietitian or physician before implementing GFCF restrictions in a child's diet. Dairy and wheat products are a significant source of protein, fiber and vitamins. Vitamin supplements may be necessary.

    Famous Ties

    • Actress and comedian Jenny McCarthy credits a GFCF diet with the improved condition of her autistic son, Evan.

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