Non-Pharmacological Pain Relief
Pain causes stress, which in turn, can aggravate the pain. This means that one way to minimize pain without pharmaceuticals is through complementary techniques, such as deep relaxation techniques. These techniques can cause endorphins, or natural pain medicine, to release from the brain. Meditation, deep breathing and social support are some methods you can use to relax in an effort to control pain.
Temperature Manipulation
- states that cryotherapy and heat therapy can help to control pain. Cryotherapy works through vasoconstriction. This can reduce inflammation in the injured area, which decreases pressure and pain. Heat therapy works through vasodilation, which is when blood flow increases in the injured area due to the heat. The blood increases nutrients and oxygen in the area. It also increases the range of motion in muscles and joints, while reducing the likelihood of muscle spasms. The decision concerning which therapy is most appropriate for your situation should be made in conjunction with your doctor. In some cases, alternating these therapies provides the most relief.
Massage and Stretching
Both stretching and deep tissue massage can help alleviate pain. When a muscle or joint is injured, it is usually tempting to hold the muscle or joint still; however, this can cause the area to become stiff and decrease the flexibility. Stretching and deep tissue massage can help to reduce the risk of that happening, which will minimize pain in the area.