Home Remedies for Sunstroke in Kids
Get Out of the Sun
Teach kids and caregivers to recognize the symptoms of sunstroke, and as soon as a child begins to feel overheated, remove them from the sun, preferably to an air conditioned room. A shady place works well, too.
Remove Footwear
Since body heat escapes through the feet and the head, remove socks and sneakers, and any sports helmets or other head wear immediately.
Get Wet
Use a damp towel on the forehead and on the lower back to help bring the child's body temperature down. Soaking the feet or getting the child's hair wet can help, too.
Offer plenty of liquids, especially water. Encourage kids to drink plenty of water when they're playing outside, to prevent sunstroke. Avoid caffeinated drinks during hot weather because caffeine is a diuretic, which may lead to dehydration.
Turn on the Fan
Let the air come past that damp skin, it's a quick way to remove body heat. Be sure to take the child's temperature regularly, and monitor them constantly until they return to normal.
When to Get Medical Attention
If a child loses consciousness, vomits or exhibits signs of mental confusion or disturbance, it may be necessary to seek medical attention. Sunstroke can cause long term damage to internal organs, and even death in extreme cases.