Ionic Cleansing
The toxins that ionic cleansing focuses on extracting are believed to build up in the muscles and organs of the body over time. Toxins enter the body through several points, predominantly the lungs and stomach. The lungs are a key entry point for toxins that are found in breathable air, such as nitrogen, methane and the waste chemicals found in smog. Similarly, most food that is consumed, particularly processed or chemically treated food, brings powerful toxins into the body like pesticides, complex salts, ammonia and chlorine.
The accumulation of these toxins in the tissue of the body is accused of causing a variety of health problems, from insomnia to cancer. A major claim of ionic cleansing enthusiasts is that the increased number of harmful agents in the body causes the slow breakdown of the immune system and prevents the body from fighting off disease, infection, and parasites. Believers in ionic cleansing also claim that these toxins increase the number of free radicals in the body, thus hastening the aging process and shortening the length of an individual's life.
Unlike other forms of cleansing that utilize dietary supplements or special diets, ionic cleanses are applied in the form of a foot bath. Users place their feet in a tub of water containing the ionic detoxifying device for 30 minutes. The ionic detoxifying device is an electrically powered appliance that runs a mild positive and negative current through the water to magnetize the ionic particles in the water. These ions are absorbed into the body through the skin and bond with the toxins to neutralize them and their negative effect. These neutralized toxins are then drawn to the feet by gravity and leave the body through the pores in the feet. Sea salt is often added to the water to assist in the conduction of the current and increase the efficiency of the process. A full treatment regime is between 12 and 14 sessions, and each session costs between $25 an $50 depending on the provider.
Over the 30 minutes of the session, the color of the water in the foot bath changes from clear to either yellow, green, brown, orange, blue or black. Ionic cleansing enthusiasts believe that the color the water turns indicates the type of toxins that are being removed from the system. For example, yellow-colored water is meant to signify the cleansing of the kidneys and bladder, while brown is supposed to indicate the release of tobacco.
Enthusiasts of the process claim there are myriad long-term benefits to regular ionic cleansing, including higher metabolism, better immune function, higher energy, improved sleep, decrease in muscle and joint pain and relief of allergy symptoms. As this technique is not invasive, there are few adverse effects. However, some users do report some mild side effects at the end of a treatment session such as fatigue, physical weakness, headache or nausea.