Non-Surgical Treatment for Hernia
A hernia is a protrusion of a tissue, structure or part of an organ through the muscle tissue or the membrane and is classified according to its location. A hernia is typically caused when there is too much pressure applied to the organ and the boundary is weakened.Treatment for hernias can be surgical or non-surgical, depending on their severity. Non-surgical treatments usually help ease pain and discomfort caused by a hernia but do not correct the problem.
There are two kinds of trusses for hernias, the spring truss and the umbilical truss. The spring truss is worn around the waist and acts as a support, while the umbilical truss is worn around the midsection. Trusses also come in different sizes and are usually worn under briefs.
Hernia Belts
Hernia belts are lightweight and made so that your movement is not restricted while you are recovering. These belts were designed to be worn over briefs, are made with adjustable straps and are lined with foam for extra comfort. The foam compression pads provide gradual pressure and support to the weakened muscles.
Abdominal bindings are made of elastic and provide uniform compression and support of the abdominal muscles. They can be fastened around the waist by Velcro and are lined with foam for added comfort.
Hernia Briefs
Hernia briefs look like regular briefs except they are made with spandex and foam pads for extra support and are designed to provide rupture relief. The material is convenient because it is lightweight, cool and washable and is easy to wear.
It is important to remember that these non-surgical treatments for hernias are not meant to correct the problem; they are only meant to provide comfort and pain-relief for those engaged in physically demanding tasks.
Remember that you should always consult your doctor for advice on the best course of treatment.