Recipe for Salt Water Solution for Nasal Irrigation
A saline solution is poured or forced into one nostril and then allowed to run out the other. This is repeated until the water coming out is clear. It is then repeated with the other nostril.
Making the Saline Solution
Add 1 tsp. non-iodized salt and 1 tsp. baking soda to 1 pint of lukewarm water. Stir thoroughly to dissolve the salt and baking soda.
Neti Pot
A neti pot is an ancient tool used for centuries in the Far East and India. You can find on at health stores, natural food stores or online. To use the neti pot, fill it with the saline solution, lean over a sink with your head turned to the side, and slowly pour the solution into your nostril and let it run out the other nostril. When the water runs clear, repeat on the other side.
Bulb Syringe
Fill the bulb syringe (available at grocery stores or pharmacies where baby supplies are sold) with the solution and lean over the sink with your head tipped forward. Gently squeeze the bulb to force the solution into your nostril until it runs out the other nostril. When the water runs clear, repeat on the other side.