Home Remedies for Tooth Ache
Oil of Cloves
A home remedy for toothaches is oil of cloves. There is an anesthetic chemical contained in cloves called eugenol. Not only does this chemical help oil of cloves to take away the pain, but it also can kill bacteria and germs. Just a few drops of oil of cloves onto a cotton swab that is applied directly to the tooth can take the pain away quickly. Just make sure to keep it away from the gums as it can burn.
Ice has a long history of being used for temporary relief of pain that is caused by a cavity, though it is far less likely to work on pain due to gum disease or infection. In addition, ice tends to be very temporary and may perhaps only work for a few hours. However, for a really bad toothache that means an emergency call to the dentist, a simple ice pack can alleviate the overwhelming pain at least long enough to make it bearable until you can get professional help. It is important that the ice pack be applied outside the cheek as applying ice directly on a cavity will most likely result in the pain actually increasing. If the ice pack on the cheek makes the pain worse, immediately discontinue its use.
Raw Vegetables
Two kinds of vegetables eaten raw are popular home remedies for treating the pain of a toothache. The most common raw vegetable to eat for a toothache is an onion. The onion is particularly useful because it contains properties that kills germs in the mouth. Of course, not everyone is capable of chewing on a raw onion and for that reason raw spinach is often preferred by others. Spinach is perhaps even better than onions at treating pain caused by gum disease because it contains CoEnzyme Q10 that stimulates the immune system.
Tea Bag
Tea bags have become common home remedies for a number of ailments and the toothache is one of them. The most common method of using a tea bag to treat dental pain is to warm a teabag either through boiling water on a stove top or inside a microwave. Allow the teabag to get warm, not too hot and then place it on the affected tooth and bite down gently until the pain subsides. This should not take more than fifteen to twenty minutes or until the teabag grows cold.