What Are the Benefits of a Prostate Massage?
Regular Ejaculation
Massaging the prostate promotes relaxation and, in turn, regular ejaculation. Regular ejaculation has a number of healthy, non-sexual benefits. The stimulation of the prostate gland promotes the production of fluid in the prostate and brings fresh blood flow to the pelvic area. This fresh blood flow will bring oxygen and nutrients, allowing for healthier cell function within the prostate and the surrounding area.
Improved Erectile Function
Many men experience chronic constriction in the area of the pelvis. This constriction, again, decreases blood flow to the area and to the penis itself. Massaging the prostate and the perineum will relax the pelvic muscles and allow better blood flow to the area.
Relief of Pain and Swelling from Prostatitis
Prostatitis is a condition in which bacteria grows in the acini sacs within the prostate gland itself. The bacteria causes the prostate gland to become swollen and, in some cases painful. In many cases the bacteria can shed itself from the prostate gland, but if the prostate swells, the acini close and the bacteria becomes trapped, causing additional pain, swelling and urinary problems. Gentle prostate massage ensures that fresh blood flow is brought to the acini sacs, allowing them to flush and prevent bacteria from remaining trapped inside.
Many men suffering from impotence find that regular prostate massages help to return them to normal sexual function. While sexual impotence can be caused by muscular constriction, as mentioned above, it can also be caused by past neglects or abuses (physical or nonphysical). Regular prostate massage will increase seminal fluids and can, over time, help a man to overcome impotence issues.
Medical Warnings Concerning Prostate Massage
The prostate gland is a very delicate organ and should be treated with care at all times. While there are not many studies regarding the benefits of prostate massage, many doctors believe that the technique may be helpful for a variety of medical conditions. It is, however, important to discuss the technique and your need for it with your physician before attempting it on your own. He will be able to help you determine if the benefits of prostate massage apply to your particular condition.