Home Remedies for Excess Gas
Excess gas may be brought on by the super-sized meal purchased at the drive thru or the extra helping of mashed potatoes at the family holiday dinner. If you are someone who experiences excess gas on an infrequent basis you should be able to handle the symptoms on your own. Pay attention to the outside stimulus that is causing the excess gas and then remove or limit it.
Expert Insight
Physicians at the Mayo Clinic state that the average person passes gas at least 12 or more times a day. But in some cases the gas builds up and you can't expel it, which can lead to intense pain, cramping, and bloating. Frequent gas pains may be caused by health problems such as irritable bowel syndrome and medically treating the condition may decrease the excess gas pains.
Prevention is the best home remedy for excess gas pains. Identify the things that trigger an episode. Foods such as beans, broccoli, carbonated beverages, dairy products and fatty foods as well as a stressful lifestyle are common causes.
Eat small meals several times a day and eat slowly to help digestion. Eating rapidly can cause excess air to be trapped in the stomach causing gas symptoms. Reduce stress by engaging in moderate exercise such as walking, bicycling or yoga. Drinking a cup of peppermint, ginger or chamomile tea will calm the stomach and aid in digestion.
Getting in tune with your own body to discover what makes you feel good or bad is an important step in gaining control over excess gas. If certain foods or high levels of stress cause you to have episodes of excess gas then cutting out that food and limiting the amount of stress will help to control the problem. If drinking certain types of herbal tea give you relief then it is important to have them readily available at all times.
Not all symptoms of excess gas are common and may need medical attention. Frequent or ongoing symptoms of abdominal pain and cramping could be a sign of a much more serious condition such as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. Your doctor will be able to diagnose your condition and prescribe proper treatment for your symptoms.