What Is Far Infrared Heat?

Far infrared rays (FIR) are emitted by everyone. The sun is our main source of FIR waves, and the Japanese and Chinese have done a tremendous amount of research in this area. Many products have been created to assist the body in healing itself, such as the Chi Machine. FIR waves are major detoxifers of the body and they do it by enlarging the blood vessels. The vessels are capable of moving toxins, heavy metals and lactic acids out of the body. Incubators also incorporate FAR waves in keeping babies warm in hospitals.
  1. FIR Waves

    • The sun is our main source of radiant energy but not all of this energy is beneficial to the body. Although we need energy from the sun, some of the harsher aspects of sunlight can damage skin. Far infrared rays (FIR) provide the best aspects of sunlight and leave out the dangerous effects of solar radiation. Health facilities have used heat lamps for years, but keeping a constant temperature was always an issue. Many health clinics now use FIR saunas to assist clients in detoxing heavy metals and toxins.

    What Is FIR?

    • Far infrared rays are waves of energy that are totally invisible but capable of penetrating deep into the body where they slowly raise the body's surface temperature and activate major bodily functions. FIR heat relieves pain by expanding blood vessels which increases blood circulation. Better circulation allows more oxygen to reach areas of the body that are in need, and helps reduce pain and speed up the healing process. Joint injuries that are hard to heal due to lack of blood flow benefit from this type of therapy.


    • By improving the blood circulation, FIR waves from a sauna can assist and strengthen the cardiovascular system and it can relieve pain as lactic acids are moved through the bloodstream. FIR improves and eases joint pain and stiffness as circulation is increased to these areas. Improvement of range of motion and flexibility are also apparent as the heat penetrates the muscles. Burning hundreds of calories without hours of exercise using a FIR sauna is another plus, according to Chi Machine International. However, on must drink plenty of water to assist the body in flushing the toxins from the system.


    • Energy medicine has been around for centuries. The Qi-gong masters and other practitioners of healing touch therapies have FIR energy emitting from their hands, according to the Qi-gong Institute. Studies have been done and the Chi Machine emulates these same FIR waves at their exact frequency. Today we have "Touch for Health" practitioners, such as Dolores Krieger, Ph.D. R.N., who teach nurses and volunteers Reiki, and have been able to merge energy medicine into mainstream medicine.

    Ways to Recieve FIR Waves

    • There are many ways to get FIR. Some prefer a sauna and others prefer lamps. There is also a "hothouse" available in two sizes. There is even a portable lamp created with pets in mind. In Japan, there is an "infrared society" and the research and development of products have been used by thousands. Any interactions with another body sends out FIR waves. If you sleep alone, you send FIR, but do not receive FIR waves. People that sleep in the same bed send and receive FIR waves.

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