Natural Ways to Raise Your Blood Pressure
Although exercising regularly is an effective way of controlling hypertension, it does provide a temporary boost in blood pressure as well. This is especially true for aerobic exercise, which can boost systolic and diastolic pressure by 10 millimeters of mercury for up to 15 minutes after a workout. Maximum effect is seen after at least 20 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise (such as jogging or riding a bike).
One of the effects of tobacco use is increased blood pressure. Smoking a cigarette will lead to an increase in blood pressure for approximately one hour. The temporary effect will usually be an increase in blood pressure of 10 milligrams of mercury, and regular use of tobacco products will cause a similar increase in blood pressure over the long term.
Caffeine and Other Stimulants
One of the effects of caffeine and other natural stimulants (xanthine and guarana) is that they speed up your heart rate. A faster heart rate will lead to an increase in blood pressure. The effects of caffeine often last for up to six hours. The extent of the blood pressure increase will depend on the amount of caffeine (or other stimulant) ingested.
Salt Water
Increasing your salt intake will also lead to higher blood pressure. The increased salt in the body will cause your body to retain more water, which will, in turn, increase your blood pressure. Putting 1/2 a teaspoon of salt into one cup of water and drinking this solution three times a day will help increase your blood pressure.
Beetroot Juice
A common herbal way of increasing your blood pressure is beetroot juice. One cup of this juice, taken twice daily, will start to show results after two to three weeks.