Tantra Massage Therapy Benefits
Tantra massage is essentially an erotic massage that includes stimulation of body parts usually left alone in other types of massage (for example, the breasts and genitals). These massages are provided by professionals with the idea that relaxation and harmony of the body and mind can be obtained by making one aware of and able to control sensual energy, and that sensual energy is a large part of emotional and physical well-being.
Increased Blood Flow
Massage increases blood flow to the massaged area. This is true for all massage types, including tantra massage. Conditions such as erectile dysfunction and lack of orgasm usually are treated with medications that help to open blood vessels, but tantra massage may provide relief from such problems naturally, because the massage naturally increases blood flow to those areas.
Better Sleep
Relaxation and orgasm both are associated with refreshing sleep. This is because the brain is better able to shut down physical and mental processes for rest if the individual is relaxed, and because orgasm is associated with the release of chemicals that make one want to rest. Tantra massage can provide both relaxation and orgasm, so that the individual can rest more deeply and feel rejuvenated.
Pain Relief
Just as relaxation and orgasm are related to good sleep, they also are related to the relief of pain. The parts of the body are thought to be interconnected in such a way that pressure on nerves in one area has an impact on another area. Thus, tantra massage may relieve pain by stimulating points that coordinate to points of discomfort. The chemicals released during orgasm may act as natural medications in that they can relax muscles and make one feel more content.
Tantra massage, because of its intimate nature, can make you more aware of yourself and your sensuality. This can make you more self confident, especially in sexual situations.
Sex & Intimacy
Tantra massage, if done by a sexual partner, can provide relief from problems in sex and intimacy. This is because the partner must be aware of the way he is massaging and what feels good to the person being massaged, because the objective is well-being rather than sexual release.