Hiccup Home Remedy
You can try swallowing honey and sugar to get rid of your hiccups. You will want to swallow a tablespoon of honey; ideally, this will overwhelm your mouth and alter the irritated nerve causing your hiccups. Another popular food remedy is to swallow a spoonful of sugar. Pour the sugar toward the back of your tongue so that it can reach your sour taste buds. The sugar stops the hiccups by interrupting the pattern of the vagus nerve.
Getting rid of hiccups can be as simple as drinking a glass of water, but you must drink it with a spoon. The reason this is supposed to work is because the spoon takes your mind off your hiccups, while the act of swallowing will help your hiccups go away. If this doesn't work, try it a second time and gargle before swallowing. Many individuals believe that the acidic content in pineapple juice can cure hiccups, while others think that the sour taste in lemons can irritate your nerves and rid you of your hiccups.
Sometimes taking an antacid with magnesium can be effective in getting rid of hiccups. The antacids will neutralize the acid that is produced in the stomach and relieve the cause of your hiccups. Most people have success taking just one or two tablets.
Breathe Into a Paper Bag
If food, beverages or medications don't work, you can always try taking deep breaths in a paper bag. The theory behind this method is that carbon dioxide builds up in your bloodstream, and your body will become preoccupied with getting rid of the carbon dioxide and forget about your hiccups.
Scare Tactics
One of the oldest hiccup home remedies is scaring the hiccups right out of you. What happens is that if someone can surprise you or catch you off guard, it will overwhelm your vagus nerve and halt your hiccups. The best way to scare someone is to jump out from around a corner or tell them a spooky story.