How to Improve Memory Recall
Turn information you read or learn into rhymes or songs. If you want to recall a list or paragraph, sing it to a familiar tune. A good example is how children learn the alphabet letters by singing them to the tune of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star."
Exercise your brain by solving puzzles. You can find numerous mind puzzles online by visiting or by searching on "mind puzzles." Solving puzzles on a regular basis will ensure the growth of more brain cells, which can help memory recall.
Learn to breathe correctly by doing yoga breathing. When you are trying to recall something, your brain uses up a lot of oxygen. The brain needs oxygen to function. Breathing correctly through yoga breathing can maximize your oxygen intake. You can watch numerous yoga breathing exercises on (see Resources for an example).
Eat foods that directly affect the performance of the brain, such as cheese, milk and peanuts, which contain amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of "neurotransmitters," which carry signals from brain cell to brain cell. You will notice you are recalling things more easily if you maintain a balanced diet rich in amino acids.
Drink nine glasses of water every day. Water makes up 90 percent of your blood cells. Blood cells transport oxygen to the brain. Drinking water will help ensure that your brain gets enough oxygen, which is important for memory recall.
Sleep 7 or more hours every day. Sleep plays an important role in brain cell development. You breathe more deeply and slowly during sleep, thereby increasing your oxygen intake. When you wake up, try recalling your dreams or what you had for dinner the night before. You'll notice an improvement in your memory recall with just 7 hours of sleep a night.