Side Effects of Steam Rooms
Dehydration is a potential side effect of steam room use due to excessive sweating. To avoid this side effect, be sure to drink a lot of water before entering the room and do not stay longer than the recommended time.
Due to the heat and moisture, steam rooms are breeding grounds for bacteria and other organisms that can lead to infections. Foot infections and chest infections are common side effects of steam room use.
Steam Burn
A slight steam burn is possible as a side effect from steam room use; however, this tends to occur only if the overall temperature of the room is too high or the individual's skin is very sensitive.
Cardiac Concerns
The elevated heat of the steam room can cause cardiac complications, such as fainting or heart attack, in individuals who have high or low blood pressure.
Respiratory Concerns
While the warm, moist air is supposed to be good for most respiratory conditions, the humidity can provoke certain conditions, such as pneumonia, in already-sick individuals.