Alternative Treatments for Heartworms
Garlic helps to repel parasites. It also has anti-microbial properties and stimulates the immune system. A diet rich in garlic may prevent parasitic infections.
Heartworms infect the heart and lungs, and licorice supports lung tissue. It also cleanses the blood and reduces inflammation.
Black Walnut Shell
Widely used for centuries to control parasites in humans and animals, black walnut shell is toxic in large doses. Use with care.
Paragone is a human-grade remedy for candida, stomach ailments and parasites. Some dog owners have had success with this product.
Sorrel and Other Herbs
Sorrel is a natural anti-parasitic. Other herbs such as mugwort, rosemary, milk thistle, spearmint, turmeric and wormwood are used in heartworm treatment formulations.
Homeopathic formulas are available that cleanse the blood and support the immune system. They often contain combinations of wormwood, cloves, neem and ruta graveolens.