What Is Mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy was first introduced in 1952 by a French doctor named Dr. Michel Pistor. Mesotherapy uses injections to rejuvenate skin, eliminate fatty deposits and treat unsightly cellulite. These injections are filled with various combinations of medications, vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
  1. Cellulite Treatment

    • Mesotherapy can be used to treat cellulite. The clinician will administer a series of small injections to affected areas over many sessions to produce favorable results.

    Weight-Loss Treatment

    • Mesotherapy can also be used to promote weight loss. This procedure involves using injections filled with a individualized formula that will dissolve body fat.

    Mesolift Facial Treatment

    • This procedure involves injecting amino acids, minerals and vitamins into the facial skin. The treatment promises to produce more youthful skin.


    • Bruising may occur and, in rare cases, a skin infection may occur. No deaths have been reported.


    • According to a survey by realself.com, the average cost of mesotherapy in 2009 is about $1,600.

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