How to Make a Holster for Massage Oils
As a massage therapist it's important that you have a convenient way to deal with your bottle of oil. It needs to always be close at hand so you can apply more to your client easily without interrupting the flow of the massage. Taking your hands of the client and walking to the other side of the room to retrieve your oil can cause your client to wonder what you're doing. This will disrupt their relaxation. You don't want to do that.
You can buy massage oil holsters online or from a massage supply store for about $12. If you don't want to spend the money or you need the holster right away and can't wait for it to be delivered, you may want to make your own.
Making your own holster can also help you express your unique creativity. You can decorate it any way you want. It's cheap and easy.
Things You'll Need
- fabric
- 2 1.5 inch D-rings
- sewing machine
- iron
- ironing board
- measuring tape
- tailor's chalk
- straight pins
- massage oil pump bottle
Make the Holster
First make the pouch your massage oil bottle will go into. Measure across the base of your massage oil bottle. Now multiply that measurement by two. Measure the height up your bottle not including the pump and add 1.5 inches. Mark your fabric with tailor's chalk to those measurements and cut out one rectangle that size.
Now add 3 inches to the height of your bottle and mark out and cut a second rectangle the same width as the first put with this new taller height.
Hem across the top of both pieces the fabric. Fold the fabric down a half inch at the top. Pin it and iron it to make a crisp even fold. Take your fabric to the sewing machine and sew a straight stitch along the about a quarter of an inch from the top of the fold.
Line up your two pieces of fabric with the bottom edges flush. The right sides---the side you want to be the outside of your holster--are together. Pin it together to hold it in place. Use your sewing machine to sew a seam to make your pouch. A half inch from the edge, sew the bottom and sides of the fabric together using a straight stitch.
Turn your holster right side out.
Make the Belt
Measure your waist. Add 8.5 inches to that measurement and cut two strips of fabric that length and 5.5 inches wide.
With the wrong side of the fabric facing up, fold the top edge of your fabric down towards the middle of the fabric 2 inches. You're folding wrong sides together. Iron your fold to make it sure it's straight and the fold crisp.
Fold the bottom edge of your fabric up so the edge meets the top fold. Pin it in place and iron it flat.
Use your machine to sew a straight stitch along the top open edge of the belt about a quarter of an inch from the edge. Stop 1.5 inches before you reach the end.
For uniformity you can sew a straight stitch a quarter of an inch from the folded bottom edge but you don't have to. Remember to stop 1.5 inches from the end like you did for the top seam.
At the end you didn't sew you'll make a point in the fabric. Fold the top corner down and towards the middle of that section like you would if you were making a paper airplane. Pin this section to hold it in place. Fold the bottom corner up and towards the center to meet the top corner. The end of your belt will form a point. Pin that section in place and iron the folds.
Sewn a quarter of an inch along the top fold of the point and then down the bottom fold of the point. Now sew the bottom of the triangle from the top of the belt to the bottom to hold your triangle in place.
On the other end of the belt stick your two D-rings on by putting the belt through the center hole of the rings. Fold the fabric over an inch so it's covering the straight side of the rings and secure with pins. Sew from the top to the bottom of the belt a quarter of an inch from the edge of the folded fabric. This will form a loop that holds the D-rings in place.
Attach the Holster to the Belt
Find the center of your belt and pin the side that is a half inch longer to the belt so that the top edge is flush with the top of the belt and the holster opening is facing out.
Sew a quarter of an inch from the edge a seam around the top sides and bottom of this section to insure that it's securely attached to the belt.
Sew from the top corner of the section to the bottom opposite corner on both sides of the section to make an X.