How to Make a Subliminal Tape

A subliminal tape can be catered to your specific needs and produced very inexpensively. While there is software available that can help you create a subliminal tape, it is not necessary. All you really need is a tape recorder, some background music, and the will to change a habit or learn something new. Only create subliminal tapes for your own use unless you have certified training.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape recorder
  • Blank tape
  • Background music
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      Create a script. All phrasing should emphasize the positive, for example "You can get up early feeling refreshed" rather than "Do not sleep in." If you are creating a tape to help you learn something new, make sure it is positive. For example, if you are trying to learn a new language, make sure the phrases you choose are not negative.

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      Choose background music. The music should be calming and not likely to interrupt your sleep. Harsh noises, fast tempos, or jarring sounds may startle you awake or give you bad dreams.

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      Record your tape. Play the music in the background and speak in a soothing voice over the music. If you have an advanced recording system, you can also create different tracks.

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      Check your tape. Make sure all of the recording flows smoothly and your tone of voice is very positive and uplifting. There should be no background noises. Re-record as necessary.

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